Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cleaning and Sleeping.

Isla is into cleaning things...mmmm wonder where she gets that from? I secretly love to clean my house. Is that so wrong? Michael doesn't think so. Here she is using crazy expensive baby WIPES to WIPE down the baby WIPE container. Not good cleaning time management girlfriend! If only she would do the dishes instead.

*****UPDATED-I NO LONGER enjoy cleaning my house or anything else for that matter. We officially have no time to bathe ourselves much less a dish. So much for order and a zen like living room. The walls are officially closing in on us with baby toys, baby swings, baby bottles, baby this, baby that.....Out with the scented candle and in with the diaper genie. Too bad that you can still smell the baby poo in it. Maybe I'll keep the scented candle after all.

Getting Chunky!

Ellis is the Grand Master Sleeper. MUST BE NICE!

****UPDATED- NO.....HE......IS......NOT. He never sleeps. NEVER.

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