Monday, November 16, 2009

Long Day...

Nothing like a refreshing drink after a long day...bottles included.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Look at the difference a year makes...

Isla will be a year old in a few weeks. She had tubes put in her ears last week and she seems to be feeling great! Her hearing and health have improved tremendously and just 2 days after her surgery she has said many, many new words and phrases. Here's to the miracle of medical science.

And check out how tiny she was this time last year. WOW. Same chair, different baby :)

I wonder how many times a day they rendezvous while we're not looking. Milk mouth +Greta =kisses on the lips....that's so Gross!

Happy Fall everyone!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Baby D II

Here's our boy!