Saturday, February 28, 2009

Muffin and I

I don't know when or why the nickname Muffin started but it's starting to stick. Why are nicknames always food oriented? I wonder if I was hungry? 
The rest of the family has been calling her Chubs which I told them has WAY too much child-hood trauma potential, but I must admit I think it's the cutest nickname. If anyone has another suggestion throw it out quick before Muffin is here forever! 

Thursday, February 26, 2009


                                                                           Just cause.

I declare this new play center to be...AWESOME!

Isla played so intensely that she decided to just fall out right there. Between the neon blinking lights, constant ferris wheel music and dangling sea creatures, I swear our dog almost had a seizure just walking by. But Isla LOVES it!


I think I see a glint of defiance already. Isla's saying, "WhatEV MOTHER...". Just thinking about the payback I've got coming from adolescent karma gives me a headache. And FYI this is a posed shot. My mom thought it might be real for one nano-second and I could hear the protective MIMI come out in her voice on the phone. As if I could wag my finger at my muffin!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kickin' It Jammy Style

There is nothing wrong with staying in your PJ's all day every once in awhile!

Me feets!

Isla has discovered her feet!  So Cool!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


No these are not just for cuteness. It's freezing especially for Charleston. What did that groundhog say? Come on spring! Move your bloomin' arse!

Mini Me

It's like looking in the mirror....minus all the hair.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Grandpa Jim

Gramps tells the most exhilarating bedtime stories...


Sunday, February 8, 2009


Isla may be having a rough hair day but the Pillsbury dough boy arms more than make up for it on the cute spectrum. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mimi and Popsy

Sooooooo much lovin', so little time...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A New Day

It's a new month and a new day. Say goodbye to this past winter and welcome in the warm weeks of Spring.  Linger in bed these last cold mornings.  Soon the sun will be shining and the world will be full of new life.

"You did then what you knew how to do and when you knew better you did better." -Maya Angelou