Friday, March 27, 2009


Sometimes the faces Isla makes in her photos look so adult to me. This one looks like she's unveiling some deep seeded thought or opinion. 
"Yes, yes. I personally prefer Pampers. Less chaffing of the booty I find."
It just cracks me up.


I guess the Bumbo is the equivalent of an adult Lazy-boy. Isla is rockin' this thing out at 4 months! And the hair is starting to come back in. No more comb over for muffin.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back To Work

Well, it's finally here...the end of my maternity leave. I am so going to miss having coffee with Isla on the porch every morning, our daily long walks and cat-napping in her rocker. I'm blessed that grandparents have offered to watch her until my summer break so fortunately she will not have to attend day-care until next August. I want to whole heartedly thank my parents and Michael's parents for this generous gift. We love ya'll so and I'm glad Isla will have a chance to spend some time with each one of you. 
Tomorrow will be our last day to stay in our PJ's and do whatever... whenever, so we will be sure to enjoy it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Isla and I had the nicest visit today with Granbe.  She is a wonderful great grandmother and Isla is a very lucky girl to have her!  


 There's something so sweet about watching your Mom love on your little baby.  What a special morning we all had together. 

Monday, March 9, 2009

That Glow

Who's cheeks are rosiest? It's called sunscreen honey. Ouch! 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mamma Made

A lot of baby clothes are over the top cutesy and non-functioning. Not to mention very expensive.  Luckily,  Isla has a closet full of BEAUTIFUL clothes courtesy of her Grammie, who loves to shop at those wonderful online boutiques (THANK YOU for spending a small fortune, you are The Fairy Godmother of Good Taste!). 
But when I started looking for unique children's clothes on a budget, I had a hard time finding things that didn't break my bank account.  I was looking for artistic, hand made items that were one-of-a-kind with a feminine yet funky edge. And also clothes that allowed Isla to look and act like a child.
So I'm creating them myself.  And I've never had so much FUN!  

Friday, March 6, 2009

Playing Dress Up

I know I'm not a "girlie-girl" but this was so much fun!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


"And then what happened...."
"I can't believe it!"
"Girl! I told you she was CRAZY!"


Meet Isla's future shopping enablers. Aunt Lauren and Emilie.