In a nesting frenzy we decided to completely ovehaul our kitchen. New countertops, floors the whole thing. Yes, it was desperately needed (our old kitchen was outdated and the floor resembled a boobie trapped obstacle course for a newborn) and it's getting there now but man....what were we thinking!!!!!! We started 8 weeks before our due date no less. So as of 9:54 pm this Tuesday evening, Michael's painting cabinets and I'm organizing silverware drawers. Please deliver us from kitchen re-making hell! Here is a before picture. You are not going to believe the difference. It is looking so much better already. Hopefully we will have the after pictures by next week. Love to all and have a nice night.
i don't think Miss Isla will notice the kitchen, you over-nesters! Take it easy! Love Mo,
i don't think Miss Isla will notice the kitchen, you over-nesters! Take it easy! Love Mom
I love Isla's room but I thought I noticed a girl with a pink leather jacket sleeping in her crib. What's up with that?
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