Saturday, March 27, 2010

Le Potty

Ellis is starting to wake up and notice the world. He's such a mellow little fellow.
No pressure I promise Isla!
We just put a little potty in the bathroom to get use to it being around. Of course Isla immediately turned the bowl upside down onto the floor. Hmmm, I hope that isn't what she does later on. Eewww.
Lots of books to peruse. Any advice from Moms who have done this is welcome :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ellis Has Company

"Who Loves ya BABY"

The Boppy is put to good use....

Granbe looks beautiful as always.

Ellis meets his great-grandmother.

And a special thank you to my parents for all their help last week and all the WONDERFUL books they brought Isla. She has already picked out many of her favorites that she wants to read over....and over... and over....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Almost Time for our new Addition!

Here are a few of our final snapshots as a family of three...
Special Daddy time in the evenings.

Isla's FAVORITE time...BATHTIME!!!!!!!

Turning into a toddler right before our very eyes.

And of course...BABY BUNS and a Santa Claus buuble beard! Just cause...
Ellis will arrive any day now and we are looking forward to meeting our new addition. Hope everyone is well and looking forward to a beautiful Spring.
Michael, Rebecca and Isla