Sunday, November 30, 2008

Best Damn Mash Potatoes EVER!

I wanted to thank Jim and Patty for the very delicious Thanksgiving meal Thursday. It was INCREDIBLE!!! Those were the best mashed potatoes I've ever had! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


We are waiting.....and waiting.....juuuuust waiting.....I"M SO READY TO MEET THIS BABY!!!! I can't do one more obsessive nesting house project or pack and re-pack my hospital bag one more time! Sigh.... I guess the "patience of parenthood" test has already begun. Whenever your ready Isla we will be waiting for you. But could you please not come in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner? It's my favorite meal of the year and I can't stand the thought of missing mac and cheese, stuffing, pecan pie, broccoli casserole......mmmmm. I'm so hungry now. Love to everyone.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ultrasound at 37 weeks

So...she ended up NOT being the biggest baby ever but actually weighing in at a totally normal 6.5 lb est. She was very active during the ultrasound and she's right on schedule. Here's a picture of her. Where did those lucious lips come from? It's truly a mystery.

Also, we have had so many requests for another "BEFORE" kitchen picture. It's amazing the difference. Hope everyone is having a great night!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

After Pictures of the Kitchen

We still have some things we have to finish like crown molding and such but for the most part the kitchen is done!!!!!! Thank GOD! It was sooooo worth it. I absolutely love it and am excited to cook again for the first time in forever. It's amazing the difference your environmaent makes. Love to everyone on my 35th birthday and it has been a wonderful year for sure. xoxooxox

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ultrasound for Baby Hewey

I had my weekly appt and my Doc was a little concerned with how big this baby may be so she scheduled an unplanned ultrasound for next week. SWEET! We get to Isla again before the big day. I haven't seen her since 20 weeks so it ought to be really cool in 3-D. Apparently you can see eyelashes, individual strands of hair, etc...And I feel totally justified now in complaining about how HUGE this baby is and how I am suffering more than any other woman in history. Hahahhaa.

And I would like to officially congratulate dad on his retirement. I was unable to attend the celebration and wanted him to know how proud I am of him and how much I love him. CHEERS to you POPS!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We should have this @#$%&!! kitchen done by Sunday hopefully! It is looking awesome.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Oh my god

This is really starting to be not so fun. In fact it's starting to really.....SUCK! I can't put it any other way. I am so glad to be having a healthy and happy pregnancy but come on....I don't think I can fit anymore baby in this belly. I swear this baby must weigh 12 lbs. Thanks to Michael's genes I'm having a 12 lb 6 oz. baby that's 36 inches long I bet! Well, she probably will sleep through the night after one week and eat steak after a month. One can only hope right?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Let the blogging begin...

Yes. I've finally succumbed to the world of blogging. So for all of those I snickered at and muttered something about being " self absorbed....blah blah blah" you may now pick up a stone and throw it at my head. My totally self absorbed, baby-rabies infused head. Here are a few pictures of Isla's nursery. Only 6 weeks to go. Love ya'll